Saturday, July 5, 2014


Have you ever wanted something,
But you could never have it?
You would do anything to get it,
No matter what the cost.
But at the same time,
You would never do it.

You're scared of the risks,
You're scared of the results.
What if it doesn't turn out
The way you want it to?
You're scared of what could
Happen when you have it.
Illegal or legal, you're still scared.
Scared of judgement.
Scared of jealousy.
Scared of hate.
But if you had that thing,
It would make you so happy that you wouldn't care.

You finally get what you want
And you're on Cloud 9.
You're happy for a while,
But then it all sinks in.
You finally care about the judgement.
The feeling of someone not liking you
Because you have that one thing.
You'd think the simple solution
Is to just let it go.
But it's too hard to let go
Of what you already have in your clutch.
You've grown too attached,
You just can't let it go.

You start to wonder
What would you do without it?
You then shake the thought of of your head
Because you can't bear to think
Of a life where you didn't have it.
But there's that small little thought
That says you've survived up to now without it.
If you choose to let it go,
Then you wouldn't have any judgement to live with.
But then your one source of true happiness is gone.

You can't pick both,
It's impossible in a world like this.
You're forced to choose one.

You start thinking a little deeper.
If you truly loved the thing you had,
You would be completely content,
Not caring what other people thought about it.

So now it's time to think:
Should you throw it away and let it go,
Or should you keep it
And face every negative thing that comes with it?


A/N: This is to everyone out there facing judgement over things that people around them deem as "harmful" and "sick" in their eyes. As you can tell, I didn't decide to end the poem saying what you would do because you shouldn't let other people decide what to do with your life. Sure, they can guide you, but never let them control you. Besides, it's interesting to think about the choices that people have and if they'll take them.

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